The do’s and don’ts of choosing and hanging artwork
Artwork can be the best way to take your interior from good to amazing. Not only can great artwork create ambience and impact, it can also become a talking point. However, there are some factors you should take into account to make the most of it. Use the following do’s and don’ts of hanging and choosing art to create your very own in house gallery.
1 – Choosing and hanging artwork – think groupings
Don’t hang small items on large walls on their own. Small items can look sad and lonely floating on a big wall all alone. If you have a small artwork its best to group with other similarly sized items. If you do want to use a smaller artwork on its own, you could place it in an area more proportionate to its size, such as a small wall or in a hallway. This way the viewer can get up close and appreciate the finer details without having to climb over beds or sofas. Alternatively, you could frame the print in an oversized frame with a large dramatic mount.

2- Choosing and hanging artwork – mix it up
Do group artworks of different sizes together. Walls with multiple artworks grouped together create a visual impact. Try to hang the items approximately 10cm apart.
3- Choosing and hanging artwork – use restraint
Don’t cover every wall with artwork. It’s better to have several walls with multiple pieces of art thoughtfully put together than one or two pieces on every wall. It creates more visual impact keeping some blank space when the remaining walls have a lot happening.

4 – Choosing and hanging artwork – big is good, but don’t overwhelm
Don’t hang artwork that is bigger than the item its sitting over. The art will overwhelm the space and feel like its falling on you. Aim for approximately 2/3 the size. If you need to place a lamp or vase next to the art to bulk up the space, that’s fine.
5- Choosing and hanging artwork – think like an art gallery
Don’t hang artwork too high! It needs to be at eye level – imagine you’re in an art gallery, you shouldn’t have to move your head. When hanging the artwork, the middle of the artwork should be at eye level height.

6- Choosing and hanging artwork – be eclectic
Do mix it up. Don’t be afraid of combining traditional and modern art. Don’t be restricted to just art when creating an art wall. Use a combination of photos, art, prints, and framed fabric and wallpaper.

7 – Choosing and hanging artwork – show your personality
Do think outside the square. Art doesn’t need to be expensive. If you loved the birthday card you received, frame it! If you see an amazing tea towel, frame it! Original art is more affordable than ever before, jump on www.Etsy.com and you’ll find amazing, inexpensive pieces to choose from.

8- Choosing and hanging artwork – follow your heart, not trends
Don’t buy into art trends. It will be fine while it’s still on trend, but 12 months later, that KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON poster has lost its spark. Avoid slogan based art, the market is saturated in it, it will be tired and old before you know it.

9-Choosing and hanging artwork – take your time
Do buy artwork that you love! Choose art that speaks to you and resonates with you, not just because it will suit your sofa. Can’t find something that speaks to you? Take your time and keep looking. Its better to have an empty wall than an artwork that feels so-so. Have fun with it, art needn’t be a stuffy, serious affair.